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June 17, 2021

Breeding Peregrines in 2021

2021 has seen a significant increase in the number of Peregrines attempting to breed in the county. Most of these are on the steeples of tall churches or other tall buildings, where they are relatively secure from unwanted disturbance. A summary is as follows:

Aylesbury - The breeding pair in Aylesbury have bred on the specially erected platform on the council offices for some years. This year a single bird fledged and was seen on the top of County Hall in mid-June.

High Wycombe - A pair attempted to breed on All Saints Church but apparently failed. Hopefully this pair will return and try again next year.

Milton Keynes - A pair again attempted to nest in the MK Stadium. Details awaited.

Marlow - A pair have made use of a new platform that was installed over the winter months on All Saints Church (next to Marlow bridge) and as of mid-June there were three well grown youngsters getting ready to fly.

The Wild Marlow group were instrumental in arranging for the platform and also for monitoring of the breeding, with regular updates on Twitter. A recent video is shown at the bottom of this post. Wild Marlow have organised a drop in event at the bottom of Marlow High Street on Sunday 4th July (from 10am to 2pm), so that members of the public can view the birds perched on the spire. Members of the Buckinghamshire Bird Club will also be present.

Telescopes will be provided and suitable Covid precautions will be taken.

The following photos were kindly provided by local photographer Neil Richards.

The 3 2021 juvenile Peregrine Falcons, sitting along the edge of the church roof
A cutout image of one of the adult Peregrine Falcons carrying prey
The 2 adult Peregrine Falcons seen mating on the church tower